Everything about lab grown diamonds

What are Lab Grown Diamonds?
Lab-grown diamonds are diamonds that are created in a laboratory using advanced technology, rather than being mined from the earth. They are composed of the same chemical and physical properties as natural diamonds, and they have the same brilliance and fire as natural diamonds.
Lab-grown diamonds are becoming an increasingly popular choice among consumers who are looking for a more sustainable and ethical option. They are also a more affordable alternative to natural diamonds.
How Are Lab-Grown Diamonds Made?
Lab-grown diamonds are created using two main methods: High Pressure High Temperature (HPHT) and Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD).
The HPHT method simulates the conditions that occur in the earth’s mantle, where natural diamonds are formed. A small diamond seed is placed in a chamber with carbon and subjected to high pressure and high temperatures. Over time, the carbon atoms attach to the diamond seed, forming a lab-grown diamond.
The CVD method involves exposing a small diamond seed to a mixture of gases, such as methane and hydrogen. The gases are broken down by a plasma, and the carbon atoms attach to the diamond seed, forming a lab-grown diamond.

What Are the Benefits of Lab-Grown Diamonds?
- Lab-grown diamonds are more environmentally friendly and sustainable than natural diamonds. They do not require mining and the environmental damage that comes with it.
- Lab-grown diamonds are more affordable than natural diamonds. They typically cost 30-40% less than natural diamonds of the same size and quality.
- Lab-grown diamonds are ethically superior to natural diamonds. They do not contribute to human rights violations or conflict in diamond-producing countries.
- Lab-grown diamonds are available in a variety of colors, including fancy colors such as pink and blue, which are rare and expensive in natural diamonds.
Why Choose Lab-grown Diamonds?
Lab grown diamonds are the new choice nowadays. They are considered to be one of the better replacements of natural diamonds. Rahi Impex is a well known lab grown diamond manufacturer in India. The process of making and polishing the diamonds here includes the tested and tried method that gives best results. You can easily buy CVD diamond from here. The diamonds are made from clear cut technology that gives the right cut and clarity to those pieces.
Buy lab grown diamond having the clear cluster and standard weight form Rahi Impex. The well known lab grown diamond company has an immense collection for you. The diamonds are chemically, physically and optically identical to natural earth mined diamonds yet are more ethical and beautiful then those diamonds. Buy lab grown diamond online that are much affordable than natural diamonds that really looks more glittering than those.
Anatomy of a Diamond
Diamond is an object that never ceases to be studied. Its characteristics and features are still being analyzed for innovations that can bring significant changes in the field.
Even when there comes variations in the basic diamond structure, there is a definite way in which a diamond gets explained. The anatomy of the diamond, therefore, shows the common features found in all the diamonds

A Diamond's True Value: A 4 C's Education
Carat, Cut, Clarity and Color – are the essential elements to evaluate a diamond’s quality and value.”
The 4 Cs of diamonds are the four key characteristics that determine the quality and value of a diamond. These include Carat weight, Cut, Clarity, and Color. Carat weight measures the weight of the diamond, and is an important factor in determining its value. Cut refers to the diamond’s proportion, symmetry, and polish, and is what gives the diamond its sparkle. Clarity measures the presence of inclusions and blemishes within the diamond, with fewer inclusions and blemishes equating to higher clarity. Color refers to the presence or absence of color in the diamond, with colorless diamonds being the most valuable. Together, these 4 Cs determine the overall quality, beauty, and value of a diamond.
Should I buy a Lab Grown Diamond?
Lab grown diamonds have the same structure as that of a natural diamond, the only difference is that the earth’s crust conditions are created artificially in the lab. Knowing all the facts answers to the above question cannot be a simple yes or no. It depends from person to person. If you are a nature admirer then you may like a lab-grown diamond. But if you are looking for something great within your budget and sustainable choice, then you don’t have a better option than a lab-grown diamond. They are eco-friendly and comes in various shapes, size, and colors.

Can I Buy Lab Grown Diamond Online?
There are various CVD Diamond dealers, in the market. From where you can buy a Lab-grown Diamond conveniently. Diamonds are indeed Girl’s best friends and are precious to them for ages. An elegant and beautiful design can help them stay apart from the rest. Before purchasing from a website make sure it is genuine and authentic. You must compare the price of various CVD Diamonds Manufacturers. You must set a budget beforehand so that you may not be overwhelmed by the available options. You must always consider to Buy Lab Grown Diamond rather than buying a mined diamond. Not only because it fits in your budget but because it is purer and ethically sourced.
Here are some frequently asked questions about lab-grown diamonds to define your thoughts all out.
Are Lab Grown Diamonds Real or Fake?
Lab-grown diamonds are real and original diamonds, the only difference between a lab-grown diamond and a natural diamond.Lab grown diamond is first to grow under a controlled environment while the natural diamond grows inside the earth’s crust.
Can anyone differentiate a lab-grown diamond ring from a mined diamond ring just by looking?
No, it is not possible to differentiate a lab-grown diamond from a mined diamond just by looking. As both have the same structure and look.
Why lab grown diamonds are affordable?
The mined diamonds are a bit costlier than lab-grown diamonds because the technology involved in mining the diamond is expensive secondly as it grows in natural conditions therefore they are very rare to find. On the other hand, a lab-grown diamond is manufactured at the lab and hence they are available in abundance and there is no extraction cost involved.
Are CVD diamonds real diamonds?
Yes, they are real diamonds just like the polished natural rough stones. They have the same physical, chemical, and optical properties as natural diamonds. The clarity of a CVD diamond is something that makes them stand apart from the rest of the diamonds.
What does CVD stand for?
CVD is the short form for Chemical Vapour Deposition, the method with which these diamonds are made.
Is a CVD diamond worth spending money for?
Yes, you can own a beautiful stone at an affordable price if you opt for this synthetic diamond. Often used for adorning jewelry, it can add beauty to any ornament that it becomes a part of.
Are CVD diamonds a good investment?
They are not the ideal investment. Because lab grown diamonds tend to be made in a much easier way than their natural counterparts they are available at less cost. Moreover, the value rarely boosts up making them not the best investment like natural diamonds.
Is a CVD diamond the same as moissanite?
No, it is not the same as moissanite. Unlike the latter, a CVD diamond is a real diamond and not an imposter. Moissanite can never be considered a real gem. It just gives the appearance of a diamond and is not near to a real diamond in terms of quality, value, and price.
How long does it take for a CVD diamond to form?
As they are made in laboratories in sophisticated machines, they take very little time compared to natural diamonds for formation. Utmost about two weeks is taken by a CVD to reach its complete form.
Is CVD diamond the same as HPHT diamond?
In terms of the optical and chemical properties, both CVD and HPHT diamonds are the same. Both are developed from carbon. They look alike and it is hard to tell them apart. The only difference is how they are made. HPHT diamonds are made in a high pressurized atmosphere in very high temperatures where a seed of the diamond is covered in molten metal. CVD diamonds on the other hand do not demand such an intensive environment. The diamond seed is placed inside a chamber which is filled with gas and heated to make the carbon disintegrate into particles that get layered on the surface of the seed making it grow in size.
How are CVD diamonds better than natural diamonds?
They are better than natural diamonds as they are eco-friendly, do not exploit human labour, have better clarity and purity, are inexpensive, and have all the features of a natural diamond. In a nutshell, one can have all the benefits of a natural stone at a better price and avoid the negatives conveniently.
What are type II diamonds?
Type II is the purest among all diamonds formed naturally and artificially made. Hence they make less than 2% percent of all diamonds available on the planet. CVD diamonds mostly fall in the category and are therefore always in high demand among synthetic diamonds. These diamonds are known for their clarity and brightness.
What are the various classifications of CVD diamond?
CVD diamonds can be divided into four types based on their granule size: ultra nano crystalline, nano crystalline, micro crystalline and single crystal diamond. The grain size differs based on the method used, substrate, and thickness of the layers. There is also another set called polycrystalline CVD diamonds which have thick layers and are more durable.
Where can I find excellent CVD Diamond manufacturers in India?
Surat serves 90% of the world’s diamond needs. The diamond manufacturers in India are known for the wide variety of CVD diamonds produced. These are not just sold in India but are also exported to other countries like Germany, the US, the Gulf countries, Hong Kong, and the European nations. The best CVD Diamond manufacturers are therefore found in Surat, Gujarat.
Do these diamonds come with a guarantee?
Yes, these diamonds are backed by a guarantee in the form of grading reports provided by reputed institutions such as GIA. Moreover, the diamond manufacturer that sells you the diamond will give you an additional guarantee if they are genuine in their business.
What to look for when I decide to buy a CVD diamond?
Before buying the diamond you chose, make sure that you go through its report detailing all the specifications of the chosen diamond. Ask the seller if you have any doubts regarding the product and ensure that you are buying a real diamond.
Are CVD diamonds harmful to the environment?
No, they are not. These diamonds are created by expert CVD diamond manufacturers that are made entirely in safe laboratories away from nature. Therefore, these diamonds do not negatively affect other living creatures or their habitat in any way. Natural diamonds on the other hand can leave bad bruises on Mother Nature.
Do these diamonds have impurities in them?
No, these diamonds do not have impurities in them as they are made in CVD machines in the specific method developed especially for making such pure gemstones. CVD diamonds unlike HPHT diamonds are devoid of boron and nitrogen impurities making them fall under the Type II category.
How to buy CVD diamonds online?
You can find ways to buy CVD diamonds online if you go through the websites of various diamond manufacturers in India. Visit these platforms, study the products, their specifications, and prices to find the apt seller for your needs. As online ordering has become so easy, placing a request for your diamond is now a piece of cake. Rahi impex provides excellent logistics and delivery service.
Do CVD diamonds have inclusions?
Yes, CVD diamonds have inclusion in them just like HPHT diamonds and natural rough stones. The high temperatures can result in inclusions thereby affecting the clarity and texture of the diamond. Therefore, not every CVD diamond will have the same level of brightness.
Can I avail discount for CVD diamond?
Yes, Rahi impex being the best among the CVD Diamond manufacturers in India offers a wide variety of the particular type of lab grown diamond at their best price. On special occasions, we also offer excellent discounts on prices based on the quantity and type of CVD diamond the customer chooses. Our team can help you learn all about your selected CVD diamond.